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Lo Bil

Lo Bil, (she/her) is an interdisciplinary artist using language, movement and the energetic flows. Her body-driven experiments aim to generate intuitive “felt” research into concepts and risk-based performance-making. Her performances are site-specific. Her non-repeatable actions involve spontaneous utterance, impulse-based scores, object manipulation, unexpected humour, and inter-relational proposals with audience.

Honours include: Kathy Acker Award (2019), FADO Live Art Award Summerworks (2015) and OAC support for “Procedures: Audience as Knife” at Harbourfront Centre (2017), a creative-research proposal to critique the theatre as a site that initiates a set of perceptive habits. She has facilitated at the Summer Love-In, CCOV/O Vertigo, Sheridan College, UofT and Concordia University. Presenters of her work include Luminato Festival Online (2020), 7a*11d International Festival of Performance Art (Toronto), Out of Site (Chicago), School of Making Thinking (Montreal), Hemispheric Institute’s Encuentro (Mexico), Performance Philosophy (Amsterdam), Northwestern University (Chicago) and Sick Theories and Across Oceans Arts (Toronto).


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